Research & Development
Since the beginning, SOBER research continuously to monitor the changing of the market and to anticipate the needs of prescribers.
Therefore our research and development team works in collaboration with doctors – opinion leaders in their specialty – to propose products corresponding to the current issues.
The EZYWRAP and SOBER brands association increase our research and development potential. It allows us to collaborate with American doctors and surgeons and connect with our network of French doctors. This Franco-American think tank allows us to make the link between different surgical practices that can be announcers of major technological evolution for the European market.
All of our medical collaborations lead to SOBER to design and manufacture and market a large number of innovative patented devices.
All of our innovative orthopaedic solutions are then tested by our partner (doctors and surgeons).
Nos innovations :
Dr Berrhail developed the first immobilizer jacket at the 2 alpes station in 1981, after finding the inconvenience caused by the plastered corsets used to treat collarbone fractures.
La Toeshoes évolutive
The first evolutionary post-operative shoe, with 4 positions (flat, front foot discharge, foot load and toggle sole) provide to follow the evolution of the post-operative phase